Eligible residents can apply to have their home weatherized at no cost.
Once an applicant from the waiting list is contacted, an energy audit is performed to determine the best weatherizing measures based on the existing condition of the home and the funds available.
Types of services provided may include ceiling, wall and floor insulation; energy-related minor home repairs; infiltration reduction; heating duct improvements; and energy conservation education.
To apply for Weatherization services, you will need to submit an application. You can print and fill out the Application on this page. The application can be emailed to weatherization@orcca.us or dropped off/mailed to one of our local offices. If you are unable to print an application, please come into our office for a paper application.
Coos County & Curry County mail to:
1855 Thomas Ave.
Coos Bay OR. 97420
Coos County drop off to:
1855 Thomas Ave.
Coos Bay OR. 97420
Curry County drop off to:
937 Chetco Avenue
Brookings, OR 97415

Weatherization Assistance
Weatherization Assistance Program
Request for Approval
Oregon Coast Community Action (ORCCA) is a non-profit organization that operates/ administers a weatherization (WX) program within the boundaries of Coos County and Curry County. The program is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), other public utility funds and independent grants. The program’s goal is to reduce energy costs for low-income households by increasing the energy efficiency of their homes while ensuring their health and safety.
The Program prioritizes services to the elderly, persons with a disability, and families with children less than nineteen years of age. ORCCA’s professionally trained Weatherization staff utilize computerized energy audits and advanced diagnostic equipment to determine the most cost-effective measures appropriate for each home.
Typical measures may include: installing insulation, sealing ducts, mitigating air infiltration; reducing electric baseload consumption; installing or replacing ventilation systems, replacing windows, installing EPDM roofs, tuning, repairing or replacing heating systems, performing plumbing and electrical repairs, and other measures that can improve the energy efficiency of the homes and the health and safety of our clients.
RFP Coming soon