Utility Assistance
Information Regarding Utilities Assistance Applications -
Updated 12/5/2024
Energy Assistance
Oregon Coast Community Action (ORCCA) has been awarded Energy Assistance funding for the 2024-2025 program year.
Oregon Coast Community Action (ORCCA) uses various Federal, State and local funding to assist low-income households in paying a portion of their energy costs. Energy Assistance is based on the availability of funding. This is not an entitlement program.
In the 2024-25 Program Year, ORCCA will not utilize a waiting list.
All application intakes will be processed by appointment.
Appointments will be available by telephone, by mail and in person at both the Coos Bay and Brookings offices weekly. Other outlying areas may be covered by in person appointments depending on need.
ORCCA is now accepting intake appointments. Please use the link to the right of this page. If you are on a mobile device the button is at the bottom of this page.
Internal applicants (ORCCA employees or volunteers), please see internal email about how to apply.
Information about applying for the upcoming program year will be updated on the website as information becomes available.
If you have questions, please call 541-435-7080 ext. 264. Messages will be returned in the order they are received. Please speak slowly and clearly. Please include your first and last name and a current phone number so we can return your call.
ORCCA provides eligible households a one-time payment (usually once per program year) toward your energy bill. This can be electric, natural gas, propane, oil, wood or pellets.
It is not necessary to be at risk of disconnection, households only need to meet the income eligibility guidelines (See table below) and live in Coos or Curry County.

To apply for Energy Assistance:
There will be the option for in-person appointments to be booked online beginning the first week of December.
Applications by telephone or mail/email will only be used for Homebound and households in outlying areas where in person appointments create a hardship. If you require a telephone or mailed/emailed appointment, please call 541-435-7080 ext. 264. Leave a message with your name, phone number and that you want either a telephone, mailed or emailed application.
The following documents are required for ALL applications:
- Social security numbers for everyone in the household, including minors over 1 year of age.
- Photo ID for everyone in household over 18 years at time of application.
Proof of income for all adult members of the household for the month prior to the appointment.
If your appointment is in December, proof of all funds coming into the household for November is required.
A copy of your most recent utility bill.
If requesting other fuel assistance such as propane, wood, pellets, or oil, we will email you more information before your appointment.
We still require a utility bill even if you are requesting other fuel assistance.
Talk to us if you do not have some of this documentation, there may be other options.
Depending on your situation,
other documentation or forms may be required.
Water Assistance
There is currently no funding for water assistance.
This program is an equal opportunity program, and applicants are protected against discrimination on the grounds of age, race, color, sex, religion, primary language, handicap, or national origin in determining eligibility.