Park West & Deer Springs Apartments
Oregon Coast Community Action manages two low-income apartment complexes in Coos County. Park West Apartments and Deer Springs Terrace.
Deer Springs Apartments

Low-Income Veteran Housing in Coos County, Oregon
Oregon Coast Community Action opened Deer Springs Terrace long-term housing on Friday, Jan. 24. 2020. The North Bend 11-unit apartment complex was seven years in the making and will be one spoke in the wheel helping homeless and at-risk veterans get back on their feet by providing permanent housing for veterans.
Park West Apartments

Low-Income Housing in Coos County, Oregon
Oregon Coast Community Action began operations of the Coos Bay, 22-unit complex in Coos Bay.
Tenant Portal
Oregon Coast Community Action uses an online portal for current residence.
The portal allows tenant to:
View and pay rent online
Submit maintenence orders
View rental documentation
and more!
Apply for ORCCA's Low-Income Housing
Applicants will be placed on a waiting list if no open units are available. Applications older than six months will be removed from the waiting list.