News & Updates
Our commitment to serve
Last updated 11/19/2021
The health and safety of our community are of the utmost concern during the uncertain and rapidly changing circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. As an organization, we are carefully and continually monitoring developments related to the COVID-19 and its impact across our service area. We will continue to do our best to keep the public up to date with the resources available through Oregon Coast Community Action and our community partners.
You are welcome to come to one of our service locations for support should alternative options are not available to you.
CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates)
CASA will operate as fully as possible for most tasks. Staff and volunteers are encouraged to use the available technology to perform as much of their essential duties as possible. The community is asked to email our CASA office using, which is monitored by all staff. CASA staff will be checking voice mail at least once a week. Staff will be in and out of the office as needed. Office hours will be rotating and unfixed. We encourage staff and volunteers to email, for any meeting requests.
Housing Assistance
The housing department is continuing to provide services to our low-income residents of Coos and Curry county. Key staff will be available to answer questions and address any concerns via telephone, email, or online submission. Please feel free to contact us at 541-435-7080 ext. 370 or by email at
Note: If an in-person appointment is deemed necessary, a list of prescreening questions will be asked to determine if it is safe for our case managers to conduct an interview. Additionally, we may be able to help if you have suffered from loss of income or health-related issues due to COVID-19.
Energy Assistance
Due to the closure of our office, key staff will be available to answer telephone, email, or online submission inquiries. Applications for Energy Assistance are available on our website or by USPS mailing. Please feel free to contact us at 541-435-7080 or
Note: Pacific Power and many of our local utilities have suspended disconnection notices and late fees at this time due to the COVID-19 crisis. However, we urge you to please continue to pay what you can on your bills in the meantime, as relief funding levels are limited.
Landlord Engagement and Support
We will continue to provide support and help to our area landlords.
Please contact the 24/7 Landlord Helpline, (541) 435-7760 or email us at
SSVF (Supportive Services for Veteran Families)
We will continue to provide services to our low-income veteran population and those in danger of homelessness or currently homeless. We are taking appropriate measures to ensure the safety of our clients and staff through social distancing, the appropriate telecommunication practices, scheduled appointments when absolutely necessary.
If you or someone you may know is a veteran in need of housing assistance, or if you have questions about our program please call 541-435-7080 ext. 363.
Weatherization Assistance
The Weatherization Assistance Program will not be conducting energy audits at this time. If you have Weatherization related questions, staff will be available to answer all inquiries by email or over the telephone. Delays will occur with our current inventory of Weatherization projects. We thank you for your patience as we work through this process.
Please feel free to contact us at 541-435-7080 or
South Coast Families First (SCFF)
South Families First will continue to provide services for families and are working closely with community partners. We continue to practice preventative measures, along with, maintaining social distancing while keeping families and staff healthy.
Please contact 541-435-7080 ext. 344 for additional information.
South Coast Food Share (SCFS)
South Coast Food Share continues to provide food to its community partners including food pantries, meal sites, Produce Programs and other supplemental programs. Monitoring this food support network will be maintained for continuity of support and to assess actions that may need to happen should any of our partners need to modify or cancel services. SCFS will be keeping on our webpage an updated list of these emergency food program hours of operations.
For more information please email or call (541) 435-7097.
South Coast Head Start (SCHS)
During the current COVID-19 pandemic, Family Services Events and Home Visits may be provided virtually, with in-person services beginning as federal, state, and local guidance allows. To protect child and staff health, we will be following Early Learning Division Guidance for building/classroom entry and sanitation. We will consult with local public health regarding any COVID-19 related class cancellations, as needed.
Please contact (541) 888-3717 and or visit your local site for questions or additional information.
South Coast Regional Early Learning Hub
For the most up to date information please visit
Our conference rooms and meeting spaces will be closed for community use until it is safe for large groups to convene. All events will be canceled or postponed until further notice. Like you, we are disappointed that conferences, meetings, and community events will not proceed as planned. Our staff will continue to be working on behalf of the children, families, and individuals we serve in our region, primarily online and remotely. We look forward to maintaining our connections with all of you.
The Oregon Health Authority is responding to an outbreak of respiratory illness, called COVID-19, caused by a novel (new) coronavirus. Health officials urge good hand hygiene, covering coughs and staying home if you are sick.
For general information on novel coronavirus in Oregon, call 211. If you are having a medical emergency, call 911.
If you or anyone you care for is feeling sick remain home and contact your healthcare provider. Visitors who demonstrate visible signs of illness will be asked to call in instead of visiting the campus.
We will continue to adapt to the evolving needs of our community to ensure that we continue to provide food, warmth, and shelter to Coos, Curry, and Western Douglas Counties. Please visit information which will be updated daily.
In addition to following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and regional health organization recommendations, we’ve taken several additional precautions to preserve health and safety, including discouraging non-essential business travel, postponing large events, and encouraging social distancing through eliminating face to face meetings wherever possible. We are taking all the sanitation and cleaning recommendations very seriously.
For more information contact 211INFO OREGON
Coos Health & Wellness (Department of Public Health) Updates
Center for Disease Control (CDC) Updates
Oregon Health Authority (OHA) Updates
World Health Organization (WHO) Updates

Thank you to our amazing partners for your help and support